Grief & Loss

sad woman to depict grief & loss_Seguin Psychotherapy

Therapy for Grief & Loss (Including Complex Grief)

When you experience loss, you can feel so many intense emotions that come in waves.  You can desperately yearn for the loved one to be alive again and feel overwhelming feelings of powerlessness and loneliness.  Others may not know how to react to your grief, which can compound those painful emotions.  For you to heal, it is crucial to feel the emotions and nurture yourself during the process, without judgment.  There is no right or wrong way to grieve. It is important to know that a loss of a sentimental object or beloved family pet can evoke intensely strong emotions that sometimes are not validated by others and society. Losing someone or something can mean different things to different people—loss of identity, loss of hope for the future, fear of one’s own mortality, and fear of losing those close to you.  

For some people, it can feel as if they are “stuck” in the grieving process. Beliefs or views about the loss may need to be examined if emotions such as guilt, shame, envy, bitterness, or anger persist and keeping you stuck in the grief without any relief.

PRICING | THERAPY WITH DR. SEGUIN, Licensed Psychologist

30-minute therapy session: $125 | 50-minute therapy session: $200 | Initial, Intake Session: $245

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“What we once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us.”

— Helen Keller